Christchurch Priory are once again holding their annual Music and Arts Festival this June. All tickets can be bought from the Christchurch Priory Box Office. Find more information here.
Please complete the contact form below for more information.
Saturday 9th June 2018 - Saturday 16th June 2018
Duo Dolcissimo, formed in August 2012, are a uniqu doubleact which combine the piano with the wonderfully expressive sound of the oboe, with repetoire spanning from baroque through to contemporary. Admission is free, with a retiring collection
Saturday 9th June; 12:30 pm
St George's Church. Jumpers Road, Christchurch, BH23 2JR
Put together especially for this concert, the Christchurch Festival Chorus will be performing Belshazzar's Feast, the wonderful oratorio by english composer William Walton, along with Parry's Blest Pair of Sirens, Elgar's Nimrod and Walton's march Crown Imperial. Oxford Sinfiona will accompany the performance and it will be conducted by Simon Earl
Tickets are available here
Saturday 9th June; 7:30 pm
The Priory
9:30 am Choral Eucharist:
Full Choral Eurachist sung by Christchurch Priory Choir, including Louis Vierne's Messe Solennelle
11:30 am Choral Matins:
A Choral Matins service sung by the Priory Choir, including Charles Wood's O thou the Central Orb and Canticles by Charles Villiers Stanford
6:30 pm Choral Evensong:
A very special Choral Evensong with the combined choirs of the Priory and Romsey Abbey Choir
The University Big Band from the University of Bournemouth return to the Priory to perform another concert, full of swing, jazz and popular tunes. The concert will be free admission but there will be a retiring collection. Light refreshments are also available between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Monday 11th June; 12:30 pm
Papagena, the all female a capella ensemble, will be performing their new programme 'Nuns and Roses II', featuring music from across 6 centuries. From folk to baroque to contemorary pop, Papagena can certainly not be pigeonholed when it comes to musical genre.
Tickets for the event can be booked here
Monday 11th June; 7:30 pm
There will also be a children's workshop led by Papagena at 10:00 am the following morning
Always a great deal of fun, the Priory is hosting a Ceilidh led by Up and Running, the three-piece folk band. A Ploughman's lunch is also available for an extra £5, but must be booked ahead of time. Tickets for the event and the lunch can be bought here.
Tuesday 12th June; 7:30 pm
Former chorister of the Priory choir and now at the Royal College of Music, Daniel Bell (Tenor) will be performing a concert comprised of many great arias. It is free admission but there will be a retiring collection.
When: Wednesday 13th June; 12:30
A fantastic opportunity to hear the rum tum tum of the military drum, from the Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines Collingwood, who will be performing a variety of music in the Priory.
Ticket's can be bought here
Wednesday 13th June; 7:30 pm
Christchurch Priory's Director of Music, Simon Earl will be joining forces with the Director of Music of Wakefield cathedral, Thomas Moore, to perform a dazzling organ duet using 4 thousand pipes! It promises to be an organ recital like none you have seen before
When: Thursday 14th June; 12:30 pm
Many beers from local breweries will be available to lubricate you vocal chords and give you the fire in your belly to belt out those hymns, all accompanied by the Priory's in-house band. Tickets are can be booked here.
When: Thursday 14th June; 7:30 pm
There will be a violin recital in the baptistry of the Priory from virtuoso violinist, Oliver Nelson. Admission is free, but there will be a lunchtime recital.
Friday 15th June; 12:30 pm
The Priory choir will be performing a concert filled with choral favourites, being joined by the Bournemouth Symphony Youth Chorus to perform Benjamin Britten's St Nicolas. The soloist will be tenor Luke Daniel. Tickets can be booked here.
Friday 15th June; 7:30 pm
Local Harpist, Stephanie Liney, will be performing a harp recital in the intimate acoustic of St John's Church. Admission is free, but there will be a retiring collection.
When: Saturday 16th June; 12:30 pm
Where: St John's Church, Purewell, Christchurch BH23 1EJ
The concert will begin with a performance of Schumann's Piano Concerto in A Minor from virtuoso pianist Janine Forrester. Then there will be a great celebration of all the great traditions of the Last Night of the Proms, flag waving and all. Tickets can be booked here.
When: Saturday 16th June; 7:30 pm
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